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VeyToy - desktop timer

·1 min
VeyToy Software
My organization to host projects and teams
Simon aka. Glinek
18yo robotics engineering student, currently heavy machinery mechanic

This is one of my one day projects. Created to help me keep focus without my phone or computer. It’s a simple timer that can also tell time. For maximum accuracy it syncs with wifi.


This is an actual one day project. Which is something that is not common with my creations. Originated as a way to stay more focused while doing my math assignments. And ended up as a handy clock and timer to remember about brakes when making my projects. VeyToy is based on Heltec LoRa v3, a little overkill I know. But it was my only Arduino/ESP on hand that had a built-in display (didn’t want to add extra wires). And, being completely honest, at the beginning it was supposed to be battery powered, but I’m too lazy… One day project after all.

Build your own

Honestly, if you want to build one. You are on your own. I don’t plan on releasing any files for it. It’s not refined and creating documentation for it is just too much effort for a project like this. But if you want VeyToy’s code, contact me and I will happily send them to you.

Stay productive and keep dreaming