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Chloe - HackYeah2024

·2 mins
HackYeah Chloe Software
My organization to host projects and teams
Totally Not Suspicious Team aka. TNST
Team of my friends and me for taking part in hackathons
Table of Contents

This is a project made in 24h during HackYeah2024 aka. Hackathon. Unfortunately She didn’t win but I’m sure that with a little bit of tweaking and better preparation next time, there is a huge chance to win.

Warning! This project is no longer developed.

Warning! This project has been created in Polish, all the docs are in Polish.



Youtube showcase

Github Repo


Chloe twoja matematyczna żaba na hackyeah2024


RocketChallange Page

RocketChalange: Link


It all started in April when I asked my friends if they would like to come to the Hackathon with me (I was dreaming about it for a few years at that point). And they agreed, so I registered, and being completely honest, It was a great idea. Just being able to code for 24h straight (without sleeping…) solving problems and generally having fun was a great escape from reality. If you are into coding or just want to have fun, I would highly recommend attending one. And now enough about myself. Let’s talk about Chloe.
First things first, why is she even named Chloe? TBH, I don’t know but we all agreed that It’s a dope name. Another thing, why frog? Bc my friend already had a frog’s pixel art that he didn’t mind sharing. And finally, what this program is all about?
Chloe is your frogie math tutor. Our idea was to make sth similar to Duolingo but with math instead of languages and more advanced gamification. Sadly we only had 24h, in the middle our friend had to go and there was two of us left. But we managed to bring basic features to this app. And our flag feature is Chloe herself, or should I say her personality. She is cute, but sometimes might get a little bit carried away and start randomly cursing at you for not doing well. But to appease you, she is going to therapy.

Last words

I want this to be an example for all the people that think everything goes wonderfully for others. As you can see, It’s not. But this isn’t about winning, It was about meeting my friends and having a shit ton of fun. And oh boy, I did have a lot of fun.
Stay positive and keep dreaming
~Totally Not Suspicious Team